How does Acupuncture Work ?

Acupuncture has been practiced for over 3,000 years dating back to 100 BCE. It has recently become popular due to chronic pain and overuse of pharmaceutical opioids.

Acupuncture works by stimulating the central nervous system to signal the brain to release chemicals like endorphins, epinephrine, and dopamine that help reduce pain. The insertion of an acupuncture needle creates a “micro trauma” to stimulate the bodies nervous, immune and endocrine system to induce healing in that area.

In orthopedic acupuncture needles are inserted into the tissues’ motor point or trigger points. A motor point or trigger point is an area in the muscle belly that elicits an ache or pain when pressed due to muscle tension. The needle stimulates the muscle to contract and release, which allows for shortened muscles to relax.

How does Cupping Work ?

Cupping works by increasing local blood flow, moving lymphatic fluids, and promoting circulation in the local muscle tissue. The lifting nature of cupping improves the body’s ability to eliminate cellular waste and creates stretching effect in tight muscular areas.

Cupping is commonly performed to help with pain in the back, neck and shoulders. Patients with fibromyalgia and other chronic pain experience relief from cupping treatments. Additionally it can be used to help with asthma, coughing, and bronchitis.

  • Visceral Manipulation

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Neural Manipulation

CranioSacral Therapy is a technique used to evaluate and enhance the functioning of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Injuries and trauma can create restrictions in the normal flow of this system. This technique helps to release these restrictions in a gentle way and restore normal function to the musculoskeletal, circulatory and central nervous system. CranioSacral Therapy can be a helpful treatment for headaches/migraines, TMJ, chronic pain, scoliosis and fibromyalgia.

Visceral Manipulation uses specific techniques on the internal organs to encourage healthy function and mobility. These gentle manipulations of individual organs help improve the systems in which the organs function, and the structural integrity of the entire body. Visceral work can be helpful for acid reflux, IBS, constipation and menstrual irregularities.

Neural Manipulation is a gentle technique involving the release of specific nerve fixations or restrictions. A healthy nerve should be able to stretch and glide with body movement. Nerves can become restricted due to poor posture, injury, or over use. A peripheral nerve release can allow for local muscles surrounding the nerve to relax, increasing mobility and facilitating nerve conductivity. This technique can be used to treat many nerve related disorders such as: sciatica, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, and tendonitis.